Find a GREAT OCD therapist
Finding an OCD specialist is hard. This mini-course will give you all of my best advice on finding someone to help.
Review of the basics
We’ll learn a bit about OCD and the characteristics to look for in an OCD therapist along with where to look for OCD experts and enthusiasts.
Introductions and conversations
Practice how to introduce yourself efficiently to several apparently qualified therapist to see who’s open, affordable, and the right fit.
Learn what to expect in a phone consultation and what to ask before scheduling.
Paying for OCD therapy
Your insurance company has a fiduciary duty to you to provide an in-network provider who can treat your condition or they must make you whole for working with an out of network provider. As with most things insurance, it’s complicated though. We will review the right questions to ask.
What’s included?
If you’re ready to get started with a clear strategy to find an OCD therapist for your team, join my free mini-course. You get all the info as soon as you sign in so that you can get started on all the steps at your own pace, even if your pace is IMMEDIATELY.
I’ll update the course over time with more resources and send you occasional updates on OCD-related topics.